Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Writing attempted...

Today I have attempted to write on a number of topics. I threw them into the digital trash bin. Writing is harder than it looks, something I understood in the theory but not in the practice. Writing to make a point is strewn with pitfalls. Luckily the biggest two wirries being money and audience are not factors. I am unpaid and have no audience, so I am left with only quality and content. I am hopeful that both will improve with time.
What is the point of my bloging? Vanity comes to mind. I have to acknowledge that having someone read what I write, whether with approval or not would be gratifying. The idea that what I communicate through this blog might be helpful or entertaining sits well with me. I have no illusions. This is one blog among millions a voice in the crowd. So I have a sort of public anonymity, one among the many. I like image of a cheering spectator, one voice added to a multitude indistinct but necessary and on occasion rising above the tumult to say something meaningful.

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