Recently we have received warning of a rise in the influence of the religious right over the PMO. The Armageddon Factor: The Rise of Christian Nationalism in Canada by journalist Marci McDonald details a growing association bewtween social and religous conservatives and the Prime minister. An article in the Toronto Star provides an overview of this new controversy. What we appear to have is a growth in numbes and influence of the religious right. I won't argue that we don't have more groups advacating against the freedomn of women to choose, the advancement of gay rights, subtle attempts to restrict freedom of expression through tax credits, unquestioned support for Israel and quite a few other issue that seem to draw the ire of the social conservatives. They are here and represent a constituency. They are vocal and and engaged. What i don't see is the enevitable take over by these groups. I see a ceiling on their influence and it is rather low. Two thirds of Canadians vote centre left. This is not proof against influence, political parties on the centre left will have religious membership, but it appears to be of a different variety than one finds in the religious right. The religion has figured differently history in Canada and we have a decidedly low tolerance for mixing of the religious and politcal.
It has been suggested that the PM is onboard with this new Canadian religious right. I have seen nothing in Mr. Harpers history that leads to this conclusion. He is more publically religious than past Prime Ministers but a far cry from his conterparts in America. The PM sees the religious right a voting block to exploit but as many articles have highlighted he has done little to adavance the causes of the soacial conservatives. Many point out that The conservatives have been prevented from implementing his full adgenda because of minority governments. Maybe, but we can't judge a man on what he has done yet and still be fair. I believe the PM will move us to right on fiscally conservative issues. I just find it difficult to accept that he will follow that shift on social issues as well. I am not nieve. But whether conservatives like to admit it or not Canada is a liberal nation. I can't concieve of what chain of events would be required to drag us towards social consevatism. It doesn't mean it can't happen but in the doing, would render my Canada unrecognizable.
As citizens we need to be vigilant. Our right were hard earned over many centuries but can be lost quickly. Our job is not to stop the voices of those we oppose but to argue with them in the public space. People must be allowed thier version of the truth but not their version of the facts. We don't need to fear free expression, we need to fear secrecy. So let these groups do in public space all the activism they want, if you disagree oppose them in that same venue.
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